11 Super Amazing Ways to Get Millions of Instagram Impressions

Aldwin Martin
6 min readApr 28, 2021

Instagram is the top choice of every marketer for doing promotion these days. It an essential part of every social media strategy. Even you can say, it is the soul of doing marketing.

Every single minute hundreds of Instagram business accounts have been created. The rise in the popularity of this platform is on high.

Have you ever noticed the difference between a page with 100 followers or a page with 10000 followers?

Well, both differ in reach and popularity.

It shows that the second page has better user understanding and they are providing people what they are asking for.

So how will you find what people want? In this blog, we will be discussing some super amazing ways to get a detailed analysis of your user behavior.

And how can you use it for shaping up strategies for your business?

So without wasting time let’s get started.

What are Instagram Impressions?

Instagram impressions are nothing else but the number of times your post has been seen by your people.

So eventually this number shows how many people are reaching to it and how popular your post is among people.

The more impressions your post is getting, the higher will be the chances that your post is ranking in top searches or in followers feed.

Why More Instagram Impressions are Essential?

The ultimate goal of posting any content on Instagram is to get lots of fame.

Am I correct? You want millions of people to know you and appreciate your work.

It can only be possible when they reach you.

Getting lots of impressions on your Instagram post will trigger the Instagram algorithm, and rank your post in most of the relevant searches.

Being a part of such a competitive platform, you must be promoting your business to get more exposure and sales.

So getting lots of Instagram impressions will help you a lot in achieving this milestone.

Ways to Increase Instagram Impressions

1.Find your Optimal Posting Time

For getting the right amount of impressions, you need that your audience to notices you. And if only or a few people are noticing you, then there is no meaning in doing such a promotion.

Posting your content when most of your target audience is online, has a different impact on your post impressions.

I know optimizing the right time to post is a tough task but you can go through the insights of your page. Analyze it in detail, and check when your audience is getting most active.

Do a deep study on your audience activity, and figure out the best time to post.

Post 7/8 post in different timings and find the perfect one for you.

When you know your time to post, then you schedule your post accordingly.

2.Host Contest

Getting lots of impressions on your post is the ultimate goal of many businesses. In the initial days of any business, getting lots of attention is all that can create a difference.

So for standing out or to make your place, you can run any contest. This contest news spread like fire among people.

And if it is exciting enough, then they would love to participate and recommend it to lots of people.

Doing this type of activity encourages a lot of interaction on your post and entices the interest of lots of new people.

3.Post Videos Instead of Photos

Though it seems that photos are performing better from an impression's point of view but it's totally wrong.

The consumption of videos on Instagram is increased by 40%. So it is a great way to check whether it is increasing your engagement or organic reach.

You can even schedule your video on Instagram.

It is observed in an experiment that videos are a more exciting way to grab the attention of your audience.

When it is analyzed through the insights, then it shows videos get more impressions than the photos.

So you can experiment with videos. I mean with the duration or type of videos. Put all your efforts into creating great videos, and combine them with your part of your strategy to get better results.

4. User-Friendly Content

The ultimate goal of any business should be to impress their people, not Instagram.

Most of the marketers do this mistake like they create content that is already present on Instagram or just to trigger the algorithm.

Don’t do that!

Think like a Human! Analyze what your people are struggling with? What type of help they are asking for? And how you can help them with your post?

The moment you become able to answer all these questions with your post is the moment of achievement.

In a report, it is said that the user-friendly content should be 35% more memorable and 50% more trusted than the other media.

If you understand this, then your content is user-friendly and will be getting the attention of millions of people for sure.

5.Post Quality Content Only

In order to get maximum results, people use to post frequently. And while doing this, they just forget about the quality they are delivering to their people.

Rather than posting 20 mediocre photos on your post, just focus on 1 photo. It will give you a better result.

Quality content that is relevant to your audience has a higher chance of getting a positive response from your followers.

In return, it will help your post to get a higher ranking on your follower's feed.

So focus more on the quality of your content, not on the quantity.

6.Buy Instagram Impressions

In such competition, doing hard work is not everything. Sometimes, you have to go beyond the boundaries.

In most of the brand failures, it is observed that more than 60% of the people are completely unaware of their presence. Are you struggling the same?

Become the smart marketer and buy Instagram impressions from any trusted firm which can provide your impressions from your most genuine people. You can get impressions as much you want.

The motive of doing this is to increase awareness of your brand among people. So choose the firm wisely!

7.Use hashtags

Almost nobody knows that you can use hashtags on IGTV videos, even links. Right under your video description, you will be able to post up to 30 hashtags, just like a regular post.

Will your videos get featured on the hashtag sections as well? That’s the best part. Yes, everyone will be able to discover your IGTV videos through the hashtags that you use just as if they were Instagram photos or videos.

8.Ask Question

Want people on Instagram to discuss your brand? If your answer is yes, then try to create a post that creates engagement.

Planning your content well and making it exciting by adding questions to it, will bring more impressions to your post.

But don’t forget to keep it simple. Ask questions that excite the interest of your people not that make them confused.

9.Take Help of Instagram Story

Instagram story is one of its finest features where you can get exposure from all your audience. Millions of people can check your story and become aware of your business or offers.

It helps you in getting lots of impressions and post reach.

So use this feature smartly and get unending responses.

10.Use Instagram Ads

Taking the help of paid promotion is not a bad idea. The balance of paid and free promotion can take your business to another level of success.

It is observed that more than 40% of new brands are getting lots of clicks or visits just through Instagram ads.

So if you are planning big and wanted to get millions of impressions on your post, then you can also go for the paid version of Instagram.

11.Cross-Promote Your Link

Posting your content on Instagram isn’t enough to get a lot of attention.

You can target different social media platforms like Instagram, Whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook by sharing the link of your post on these platforms.

In this way, you are approaching more people to visit your post.


Using an Instagram page in a tricky way can lead a lot of clients to your business. You can even bring the attention of millions of new people to your post.

Using your post with the right hashtags is also a great way to rank your post on explore page.

So try to innovate ideas for your post and do remember your posting hours.

Following the above-mentioned strategies will also help you a lot in getting more impressions.

If you have any queries or doubts, then don’t forget to share them in the comment section.

