How to Get Verified on Instagram in 7 Simple Steps?

Aldwin Martin
5 min readSep 15, 2021

Instagram is not only a photo sharing platform but also a great platform to promote your art or business. Every single day billions of people get active on this platform so you can get the idea how powerful this platform is in terms of doing marketing. If you have master the art of promoting your business on Instagram, then you will be getting unparalleled success in very less time.

But with the increased success on Instagram, the real challenge starts. Most of the brands and companies after getting huge fame and name realized people started making similar accounts like them and started defaming the reputation of that brand.

Some of the competitors do it intentionally and started affecting your business or name. Does this ever happen to you? We all have experienced it at some point of time. So how can you escape from this problem or you have to face it every day? Well, not anymore!!!

Now you must be wondering how? When lots of celebrities and popular brand started facing this problem, then Instagram came up with the verification idea. Those accounts that are getting millions of likes, thousands of comments within few hours of posting, or have millions of followers, will be verified by Instagram. But the process of verification is quite tedious and time taking.

But this verification badge is a symbol of authenticity and a way to tell people that your account is real. Most of the people misunderstand this symbol as status symbol but it is only designed to ensure the authenticity of any brand.

Any account with verification badge, ensure people that they have chosen the right brand or business. A verified account belongs to the real deal. It’s not a fan account or fake account.

However, Instagram only wants to verify those accounts who they think have the high risk of impersonation. If you are a normal person, then there is a no meaning of applying for that verification badge.

After understanding the significance of this verification badge, you must be willing to get it for your account. So in this blog, we are going to discuss some super amazing ways to get your Instagram account verified.

Specific Requirement from Instagram’s Terms of Use and Community Guidelines

Below, I have mentioned all the basic requirements from Instagram before applying for verification-

• Unique: Your account must be the unique presence of the person or business it represents. Only one account per person or business may be verified, with exceptions for language-specific accounts.

• Complete: Your account must be public and have a bio, profile photo, and at least one post. Your profile can’t contain “add me” links to other social media services.

• Notable: Your account must represent a well-known, highly searched for person, brand, or entity. Instagram reviews accounts that feature in multiple news sources, and they don’t consider paid or promotional content as sources for review.

How to Get Instagram Verification Badge?

Firstly, there is no harm in sending an application for the blue checkmark.

Applying process….

Step 1: Open the Instagram app and go to your profile.

Step 2: Tap the menu icon in the upper right-hand corner.

Step 3: Click the “Settings” gear icon at the bottom of your screen.

Step 4: Scroll down and tap “Request Verification.”

Step 5: Fill in your account name, full name, what you’re “Known As,” and your category (media, influencer, brand, etc.). Then upload a photo of your ID if you’re a person, or a legal or business ID if you have an Instagram for Business account.

Step 6: Hit “Send”

Simple enough, right?

After reviewing your application, you’ll be notified whether your request is approved or denied.

The worst that happens is the application getting rejected. So now, what you want to do for not get rejected?

Top 7 Steps to Make your Account Verified

1. Stay Active on Your Account

You’re never going to be Instagram verified if you don’t use the platform on daily basis. Because when you update your profile daily basis and posting content relate to your business, then your profile engagement is increased automatically. And if not then it’s not. So be active on your account but if you don’t have much time for this then you can also go for purchase Instagram verification badge.

2. Make Sure you Look Credible

You should always try to be as credible as possible. Your online and social media presence needs to be consistent. It’s important if you want to get verified on Instagram and it’s good for you in general. Your profile name, your bio, and the link you add — it should all be consistent and trustworthy across the web. Even if your profile doesn’t have a blue badge (yet), people should still know your profile is official.

3. Content that Represents who You are

Instagram only verifies profiles that they believe are operated by the individual. That means that if you want to receive that blue tick (Instagram verification badge), it will be necessary to post things that prove your account actually belongs to you, like selfies, pictures of your family or pets, and other personal content.

4. Use Popular Hashtags

Hashtags are one of the main ways people browse the content on Instagram. Loading your posts with well-known hashtags makes it easy for other users to find them. If they like what they see, they may decide to give you a follow and more followers on your profile always increase the chance to get verification early.

5. Promote your Instagram profile on other Social Media Accounts

If you’re present on other platforms, link these up with your Instagram page. You can cross-post your Instagram photos on Facebook and Twitter, for instance, or drop links to your Instagram profile in the “About Me” section of these apps with along with a request that your friends check you out there. This process always increases more engagement.

6. Post Timing

Lunchtime and late evening are considered the “golden hours” when it comes to delivering new content to your followers. Research has shown that posts made during these times tend to accumulate the highest number of likes and shares, as this is when the majority of users are most active.

7. Make sure you’re following Instagram community guidelines

If you haven’t done so already, read through Instagram user agreement carefully and avoid posting any content that violates the terms laid out there. Instagram is unlikely to extend verification status to accounts that flagrantly break the rules.

Benefits of getting verified on Instagram

There are many advantages associated with the verified accounts. Since the verification badge is not provided to everyone, thus it makes your account look exclusive. This greatly helps in adding more power to the brand value of your business. You would feel more confident about sharing information through your account. Likewise, your followers will be able to show their trust in your company. This is where the role of influencers kicks in. When you have a verified Instagram account, you can rope in an influencer to promote your brand.

So if you are finding the trouble to get verified, then you can buy Instagram verification badge service of Socialyup and get verified your account within the time frame an affordable price. Because Instagram verified simply means that your account is legitimate. It tells the world that you are who you say you are, and offers instant credibility. Instagram created verification to reassure users that they were following the right people.

